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Top Best Paying Jobs in the World 2024- Businessian

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Top Best Paying Jobs in the World 2020

Best Paying Jobs

Like any professional or student, you are looking for a better job in the future, and you want to know the best-paid jobs in the world and how much you can earn.

The best-paying jobs below take note, and you can even earn monthly.

Administrative Board Members

A position that you occupy as a member of administrative boards can earn up to USD 28,2287 per year on average; I would say that it is one of the best-paid jobs.

Their responsibility is to decide on the company’s actions, any future, or investment decisions.

They bear the responsibility of employees and the possibility of proposing at the meeting the amount of their salary

Not just any person occupies these senior positions because it requires a lot of experience in the area and the appropriate knowledge at the height of the circumstances.

But it is also essential to have at least a professional degree with a master’s degree, a doctorate in Business Administration as a fundamental requirement, the experience of about eight years.


A professional doctor can earn more than USD133,239 a year because it has always been considered one of the best paying jobs for health is a fundamental issue for world society.

Because the global pandemic quite requires the market due to COVID-19 and the demand increases, its income compensates for the long formative path and the moment that all humanity passes now.


A stockbroker can earn up to USD 12.9852 per year that depends on the investment but can earn even more depending on the investment he makes.

They generally wear fancy clothes, fancy cars, life these stock market professionals as an example, Leonardo DiCaprio on The Wolf of Wall Street.

The stockbroker’s job is to act as a financial intermediary who occupies an essential place in agreements between companies and individuals.

Its fundamental and essential role is that a good nose for business and good relationships do adequate financial studies and others to avoid risk to the minimum possible.

Company director

A director of a company or manager’s work is an average of USD 128,723 per year, an average of 10,726 USD per month.

It is the lower level for the board of directors, more focused on specific tasks; it can deal, for example, with the financial or administrative aspect.

Civil servant

It depends on each country, but in Spain, as an example, a public official earns 104,000 euros a year. It’s one of the high paying jobs.

It is one of the categories that include the entire branch of public offices; of course, the figure they earn is too high; it refers only to the highest and most influential positions.

Plane Pilot Jobs

Salaries estimated as an example in Spain, an aviation pilot who earns 99,000 euros a year is a very well paid profession.

But in other countries, they can earn a lot, as in the United States it is a figure that derives mostly from the rigorous and challenging preparation, the great danger that it entails, which is why it becomes one of the best-paid jobs.

Financial Consultant Jobs

Another best-paid jobs is financial consultants, earning $ 84,686 a year. They can make a lot, but I give you this amount as an idea.

This financial profession requires extensive knowledge of the sector in all its related aspects of the economy.

The work carried out by financial professionals consists of supporting and indicating financial or administrative options.

lawyer Jobs

A lawyer’s profession earns about $ 83,557 per year; it requires extensive knowledge of national and international law, being the best-paid jobs.

In high risk or complex processes that have more all the celebrity divorce is where the lawyers earn a lot.

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