Simple Life Hacks – In recent times, many companies have instructed their employees to work from home. This includes major brand names such as Apple, Twitter, and Facebook. Even governments have allowed politicians and other officials to work from the comfort of their homes rather than go into their offices and departments. Crazy, right?
Despite some skepticism, working from home is here to stay, which means a lot of people can say bittersweet goodbyes to their morning commutes to work.
If you’re somebody who works from home, whether it’s for a company or as a self-employed freelancer, you should follow these simple life hacks that are going to make your day-to-day life so much easier.
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1. Tidy your home and office every week
Working from home means that you – and only you – are responsible for the mess you make. Whereas at work your fellow co-workers or cleaners might tidy up after you, at home there’s nobody to help. So, this means you better be on top of your game if you want your home and office to be nice and clean!
Since you started working from home, you might have noticed that your rooms have started to become a bit more cluttered. If so, you should organize your items. If you have no space for certain items – such as memorabilia or stock supplies – you should rent a storage unit. This way, you’ll be able to free up more space in your house and operate more efficiently. If you’re interested, check out Storage Area in Chicago.
2. Boost your internet/Wi-Fi connection
Is there a more frustrating feeling than slow internet or Wi-Fi? Probably not.
When you’re typing important documents or holding Zoom meetings with clients, you simply can’t afford for your internet connection to keep going down – it’s going to harm your reputation and annoy the people you’re dealing with.
Therefore, the best solution is to boost your internet or Wi-Fi connection. You can do this by choosing a new provider altogether, or trying these simple tips:
- Work closer to your router
- Disconnect other devices
- Use a wired connection
- Change your Wi-Fi password to stop people from stealing your data
Once your connection improves, it will feel like a huge weight off your shoulders.
3. Dress smart (not in your PJs!)
It can be incredibly tempting to dress lazily when you’re in your home office.
Why wear a suit and tie, when you can simply walk around in your PJs? This is a dangerous mindset that a lot of remote workers have. By dressing lazily, it will create other bad habits; such as working in a lazy fashion, too.
So, to prevent this from happening, each night before bed you should prepare your clothes for the next day. Ensure that your clothes are smart, presentable, and worthy of office attire.
4. Send positive messages to your team and regularly communicate with them – Simple Life Hacks
The major downside to remote working is the lack of camaraderie with your fellow co-workers. However, through messaging platforms and apps like Zoom, you can still communicate frequently with each other. Make sure to send your team positive and inspiring messages throughout the day to boost your bonds with one another.
5. Remove any distractions
If you get easily distracted by your phone or the TV, remove them from your office. It will benefit you massively in the long-term. Simple Life Hacks