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DOs and DON’Ts for partnering with a White Label Agency

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DOs and DON’Ts for partnering with a White Label Agency

DOs and DON’Ts for partnering with a White Label Agency

A white label agency can be your stepping stone to success.
Or it could be the primary ingredient in a recipe for disaster.

But that’s not a matter of luck or chance.

You are in control of the results a white label digital marketing agency brings for your company.

How can you ensure success and avert failure?

By doing just five things.
And not doing five others.

Yup, as simple as that.

Step 1, Memorize these dos and don’ts.
Step 2, Follow them every time you start working with a white labeling agency.

And Voila! You have unlocked the door to growth, improvement, happy clients, and hefty inflows.

5 Things To Do For Success

Getting white label services for agencies? Here’s a 5-ingredient recipe to cook sweet success.

1. Set Out Clear Objectives

Set Out Clear Objectives

The world is not a wish-granting factory.

This line from a teenage romance novel is among the best pieces of advice, should you actually understand it.

The world isn’t going to grant your wishes. However, if you set our clear objectives, you can work your way towards achieving them.

While partnering with a white label agency, you cannot expect them to fulfill your wishes. But setting clear, achievable objectives will make sure they know what you want. Only then will they be able to reach those goals. Because after all, their success is closely tied to yours, right?

2. Ask Questions

Ask Questions

  • What services can you offer?
  • Do you provide training or orientation services?
  • How much do you charge?
  • What documentation is done?
  • What are the exact wordings of our contract?
  • Will you be competing in the same market as us?
  • How experienced are your employees?
  • Can we get some references?
  • Can you share your past records?
  • What is your typical turnaround time?
  • Who will be responsible for coordinating with our team?
  • What products or tools do you use?
  • What is the process that you follow?
  • Are you legally qualified to offer these services?

Yes, there are too many questions.
And you need to ask them all. (More if you have other questions too)

Unless you know your white labeling partners inside-out, you cannot trust them.

And without trust in business relations, you’ll miss out on success by a long shot.

3. Take A Trial

Try before you trust.

Would you watch a movie without watching its trailer first?

Spending a couple of hours in front of the screen without being sure that you’ll like what you see is tough, right?

Similarly, don’t avail services that you aren’t sure you’ll like or not.

Some agencies have short trial plans.
If not, look for a monthly plan.

The trial will help you assess if your white labeling partner fits your needs or not.

Signing a 6-month or annual contract right away isn’t a smart move. (Think you are saving money with a longer deal? Still get a trial first.)

4. Get Your Paperwork Done

Get Your Paperwork Done

This needs no explanation.
Just a reminder about something extremely obvious.
And yet so easily forgotten.

You NEED to have your contract papers in place. After all, there is a very thin line between legal and illegal.

And don’t forget to read every line carefully before signing below the dotted line.

5. Stay Involved. Always

White labeling does not mean you have nothing to do with the process anymore. Your clients will still come after you if something goes wrong. And you won’t be able to point them towards your white labeling partner then.

So stay involved in the process. Don’t interfere, but don’t leave everything in their hands either. It is still your job and your responsibility.

Two heads are always better than one.

Don’t Do These 5 Things To Avoid Failure

Don’t do these five things while availing white label agency services to keep failure at bay.

1. Rush The Process

Finding a white label partner is NOT a sprint race.
It is a marathon.
You cannot (and should not) rush the process.

Look around for options.
Read reviews about them.
Check and validate their experience.
Contact them and have conversations.
Think, understand, compare, contrast, and only then choose.

Instead of choosing a new white labeling partner every time you want to get a digital marketing or web development service, take your time in finding a one-step solution for long-term relationship building.

2. Lie To Your Clients

Telling your clients you did something when you got it white-labeled is cheating.

You are breaking the trust of your clients.
And that’s detrimental to your business in the long run.

When you partner with a white label agency, let your clients know that you are getting expert services from those who do the job best.

3. Look For Cheap Solutions

More than half of businesses get white label outsourcing services to cut costs.

And white labeling is, in fact, a cost-effective labeling alternative to hiring freelancers or developing an in-house team.

But don’t equate cost-effective with cheap.
Don’t fall for rates that are too good to be true.
The quality of service and the guarantee of results is more important.

Remember that in your client’s eyes, you are responsible for the job. You need white-labeling partners who can live up to your reputation. Don’t keep looking for cheap solution providers. They’ll disappoint you sooner rather than later.

4. Skimp On Communication

They must be knowing this.
I don’t think they need me to tell them this.
I guess they’ll figure it out for themselves.
This isn’t my place to talk.

Push these thoughts out of your mind. Just like you need to ask questions, you need to give answers too.

Communication is, in fact, the key. You cannot assume that your white label partner would know what to do. You need to tell them what you want them to do.

Details about what your end clients expect should be shared.

Don’t skimp on having open, honest, and productive conversations.

5. Expect Magic

White labeling is no sorcery. You cannot expect your white label partners to yield magical results.

  • Ranking on page #1 of SERPs within a week is NOT possible.
  • Functional and feature-laden websites don’t get built in a day.
  • You cannot expect a 100% RoI on PPC ads.
  • Email marketing is NOT a set-it-and-forget-it thing.
  • Digital marketing won’t show results overnight.

Keep these things in mind when working with a white labeling partner.

Illogical expectations lead only to disappointment.

Expecting your white label partners to deliver what they promise is right.
But expecting them to just randomly cook up success stories in their kitchen isn’t.

Give them time. Trust the process. And don’t expect magic in the muggle world.

Partner With A Perfect White Labelling Agency For Great Results

Now that you have learned the dos and don’ts for partnering with a white label agency, it is time to get white label services from reliable agencies like Uplers.

Uplers has a broad-based team of digital marketing and web development experts from all over the world. Their global talent makes them a right fit for anyone and everyone looking for partners with diverse skill sets.

They have been the invisible partners in the success of many agencies. And they are ready to fuel your growth now.

Get in touch with them, make use of the dos and don’ts, and materialize success for your company.

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